Views: 3163
See the benefits of being 55 and older in Los Angeles County on the following links below:
1.) See the guide to Proposition 60 and 90:
Senior Citizen’s Replacement Dwelling Benefit
As of November 20, 2014, the following ten counties in California have an ordinance enabling the intercounty base year value transfer:
Alameda, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Clara, El Dorado, Orange, San Bernardino, San Mateo, & Ventura
2.) See the Homeowner’s Guide to Proposition 58 and 193:
Reassessment Exclusion for Real Property Transfers:
A.Between Parent and Child
B. From Grandparent to Grandchild
3.) See the Guide to Proposition 110:
Severely and Permanently Disabled Resident Exclusion
Call my office, I can provide you with the appropriate forms.
(562) 869-4111
The information on this page was taken fromĀ the Los Angeles County Office of the Assessor website.